
DozenQ – Free From Gravity

Inspired by classic rock acts like The Eagles, Pink Floyd & U2, the UK based formation Free From Gravity defies the latest fashion and short-lived music trends to create their timeless and everlasting sound. Free From Gravity is led by Vince Barnes (Lead Vocals) and his personal agenda shines through with the intimate and often heart-warming songs and lyrics.

For the recording of his album, he was joined by top notch musicians like Andy Mitchell of the 60’s supergroup The Yardbirds, who count Eric Clapton, Jimmy Paige and Jeff Beck as their former members.

The Band’s original material has a range from classic rock anthems to moving ballads, always with a love for detail and sound. Their songs will catch you and leave you with a liberating sense of freedom from gravity.

01. How did your band get together?

It was a project that Vince started four years ago when he returned to England from Spain. After a number of false starts the current line up has come through personal contacts. Neil (drummer) and Vince played in a covers band, TJ responded to a call on Facebook, Jason guitarist is someone Vince used to go to a guitar club with and Pete is the husband of the bands promoter.

02. Where did your name come from?

In 2011 after having recorded the video for I Have A Dream, Vince was driving back to the producers studio in Ealing and I saw a billboard with an advert for WonderBra (I believe) which said Free Yourself From Gravity. He thought that was a cool name for a band and it has stuck since.

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03. Who were your major influences and inspirations?

The Eagles, Pink Floyd, Magnum, U2, Whitesnake, quite an eclectic mix.

04. What drove you to make music together?

As a band Vince brought all the guys together. However having used session musicians on a number of occasions I really wanted musicians who were just passionate about playing and not interested in making money, we have them. They are all keen to play, have the right attitude and are driven by playing music. Rehearsals and gigs are a joy to play because there is so much fun and laughter going on, it’s a real pleasure.

05. What can someone who has never seen you live before expect from your shows?

Kick Assed Chilled Out Rock, we are there to entertain,  that’s it. We have a philosophy Come Along and Take away a Bit Of Magic. Not only will they get to hear some great music, well arranged tunes but they will get to see some spectacular moments. Guitar dual on one song, crazy dancing on another, and just lots of fun being had on stage and off. We try and get the audience to take part as much as they want to.

06. Who writes your songs? What types of themes and subjects do you deal with?

Vince does. Mainly they are personal experiences. The Long Road deals with the journey and battle with critical illness (in this case it was written about Vince’s mums battle with cancer but applies equally to anyone with illness going down their own journey). Please Sir deals with the issue of Homelessness and was inspired by a homeless guy met by Vince who had turned his life around but still always remembered his friends on the street, then of course there is Behind those lies dealing with someone having a “Shirley Valentine affair”, Don’t Say Goodbye  a song written about the pain of loving and losing someone, “Its Over Now” pretty much what it says on the tin.

07. How has your music evolved since you first began playing together?

Although we have only been together for around a month as the current line up, the music is rapidly evolving into something that is starting to have its own life. Each song has developed its own character and has its own life on stage. Take for example, Don’t Say Goodbye. It was always a nice song, but since the band have stripped it down and rebuilt it, it is a mix of U2 guitar sounds with some very passionate vocals and guitar licks. Behind those lies hasn’t changed much musically, but it has gone from an acoustic feel song to a real summer sitting on the beach type of song and one that is guaranteed to get the feet tapping. The sound has become more Free From Gravity where everyone is now adding their own character to it and the sound is not only distinctive, it is more signature you know that feeling when you hear a Brian May guitar part you know instantly it is a Queen number.

08. What has been your biggest challenge as a band? How were you able to overcome this?

The biggest challenge has been getting the band together in the first place. There have been lots of false starts and people who weren’t what they said they were, not as committed as they thought (Vince can be a real slave driver). That’s why it has taken so long to come together. However, now that we have the right mix of people, the band has moved forward very quickly. How we have dealt with this is by focusing on people with the right attitude first and foremost most brilliant guitarists also have egos. The guys we have are very good musicians but they are also great people and that makes all the difference.

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09. Does the band play covers? If so, do you argue over the choice of songs? Who usually gets his own way?

The band does not play covers.

10. What do you love and hate outside of music?

Loves: are various depending on the band member but we all like socialising, watching other bands play, and obviously family and friends are important. Beer and Kebabs and TJ loves McDonalds (sad person that he is).

Hates: not really sure we have any, obnoxious disrespectful people.

11. Who would you most like to record with?

The Eagles. The song I Have A Dream was inspired by Vinces visit to see them in 1994 at Wembley and to play with them would be absolutely fantastic. Also Pink Floyd would be pretty cool too

12. What should we be expecting from the band in the near future?

We have just released our first single, The Long Road, and we will be releasing a new single around every 3 months. We are embarking on a tour currently in the UK with a couple of dates in Spain and when time permits we will extend our reach somewhat. We have the possibility of playing in LA /US West Coast but for the time being we will focus on the UK and Europe.

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