Eyeplug.net are proud to announce their first ‘Live Events’ involvement with an invitation to provide Insider Media Coverage and our
‘Multi Mood-Machine’ DJ Sound Experience at this summer’s brightest new festival in August on the Isle of Wight – WOWfest,
a 3 day music extravaganza in Shanklin, from August 17th – 19th 2012, featuring some of the world’s top acts in what promises to be one of the most outstanding global parties of the year!
We will be keeping our loyal readers up to date with all of the news and views and happenings and hope to lure a huge amount of you into coming along and joining in the fun which is in a wonderful and truly fab setting!
WOWfest is a festival whose time has truly come, and thousands are expected to snap up the best priced £99 early bird tickets, which are on sale from the event website: www.wowfest.co.uk
WOWfest, is also proud to partner with the following charities: Oxfam, Solar Aid, Building Schools for Africa, Sustrans, Vegfam and the IOW NHS Juba project.
Follow us on Twitter: #WOWfestIOW and Facebook: WOWfest. To receive WOWfest Newsletters, send your email address to enquiries@wowfest.co.uk.
More news to follow very soon!