Cauldronated speak to Eyeplug

Cauldronated are A punky, drum-centric, techno adventure featuring Eva Menon (Italian extrasolar poetess), David Harman and Dave Barbarossa (Drummer with Adam and The Ants, Bow Wow Wow, Republica, Chicane…
01 How did you first get started in music?
I deputised for the drummer in Adam and The Ants and Adam took me on.
02 Where did your direction come from?
My love of music and the drums.
03 Who were your major influences and inspirations and who do you despise?
I despise artificial passion in music, I can smell it like shit on my shoe. Far to many influences to mention.
04 What inspires you to make your current type of songs and sound?
I am driven to create uniqueness. Anytime I’ve gone the straight route in music, I’ve been deflated. ‘Cauldronated’ is a strange brew; House/tehcno scenery, impassioned alien vocals and mental drums.
05 What can someone who has never seen you live before expect from your live shows?
Complete commitment to the instrument. Spellbinding singer, modern sounds.
06 How do you begin your song creation? What types of themes and subjects do you deal with?
From a beat, or a groove, a vocal line, everything is thrown into the Cauldron. The themes are historical yet, futuristic.
07 How did your music evolved since you first began playing?
I have followed my heart. I play what pleases me.
08 What has been your biggest challenge? Were you been able to overcome this? If so, how?
To not sell myself out. To follow the teachings of geniuses I have worked with.
09 Do you play covers? If you could pick any song, which would you like to cover most and why?
I don’t play them.
10 Where did you envisage being in five years time?
‘Top o’ the world ma!’
11 Who would you most like to record with?
12 What should we be expecting from you in the near future?
More mental beats, Italian style and heady grooves, all live, all full-on.
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Cauldronated @ The Finsbury – 21st Nov 2013
A welcome blast of superheated noise from the stage of this vast Manor House pub on one of the year’s coldest nights, Cauldronated lived up to my every expectation. Hard to believe that it takes just two people to make this brimming, bone shaking sound, the beat provided by Dave Barbarossa, veteran of such chart-bruising acts like Adam and the Ants, Bow Wow Wow and Republica, the voice and yet more drum work courtesy of the mysterious Eva Menon, she of the dark locks, tattoos, and more than a nod to the classic female rock stars of the much missed late 1970’s. With just a hint of synth to flesh out the sound, this heady brew showed its strength from the word go.
Playing the ice maiden with considerable relish, a huge 80’s cut jacket thrown over her slight shoulders, Eva glares, struts and swerves in front of her mike, coldly intoning the bullet-point vituperative lyrics, as synths wail and scream, Dave pounding out a thunderous beat that will tolerate no dissent. Difficult to characterise in one heading, Cauldronated seem to inhabit a world of their own making, somewhere in the wastes between rock, synth pop and trance, but without getting enmired in any of them.
Every young woman who ever picked up a microphone in anger seems to be embodied in Eva, her Siouxsie/ Ronny persona showing up most of today’s so-called cougars for the compliant puppets they really are. Dave’s enviable drum pedigree ensured a solid wall of rhythm for every song, with their electronic friend’s unobtrusive wailing a perfect backup.
Throwing her huge jacket aside, revealing a one-piece man-drag outfit that perfectly complemented her onstage self, Eva’s voice ran the gamut from Siouxsie to Poly, with even a suggestion of Diamanda, as she spat out yet more bile to the accompaniment of the screaming synth and rumbling drums which she shared stage with.