Is the Lantern Society the finest folk club in London ? I would say so!
The Lantern Society is run by Jack Day and Benjamin Folke Thomas every first and third Thursday of the month at the Besty Trotwood in Farringdon London. Jack and Ben are singer songwriters and are both at the top of the tree when it comes to performing and songwriting.
Jack Day’s music always hits me to the core at full speed and his style of folk blues is seldom played in this country with such emotion or sheer talent. He is one hell of a guitar player too. Jack doesn’t just knock these songs out either – they are drawn from deep inside his musical soul. His live performances take you on a very passionate and mesmerising ride.
Benjamin Folke Thomas’ music always surprises anyone who hasn’t seen him play and sing before. His soulful, deep voice coupled together with very fine guitar playing and outstanding songwriting makes him my tip for folk stardom in the very near future. Ben also plays with a backing band and their 2010 mini-album has some stunning tracks on it, I would recommend anyone to buy it immediately.
In addition to the twice monthly folk club, The Lantern Society puts on special nights at the Betsey Trotwood when they invite some of the top folk talent in London to come and play. The highlight so far was having Romeo and Angela from the Magic Numbers top the bill – it was a great night, with a packed house.
The Betsey Trotwood is fast becoming one of the best live music venues in London and I must say the food and drink are excellent too as is the landlord.
The Betsey Trotwood, 56 Farringdon Road, City of London, EC1R 3BL (020 7253 4285)
Check out Benjamin Folke Thomas: www.benjaminfolkethomas.com/
Jack Day on MySpace: www.myspace.com/jackdaymusic