Eight Rounds Rapid – Writeabout / Steve (Podrophenia Records)
‘Writeabout’ hits the ground running somewhere on the Thames Delta, with the driving guitars of The Stooges and a Mark Perry-like larynx spitting out a fast talkin’ hot fizzin’ ever givin’ coruscating critique of the nation’s low-end celebrity-obsessed culture. Not for years has complaint rock sounded this mean, this exciting, brimming over with anger, the guitars cutting like buzz-saws and the amps turned up to ‘stun’, its target squarely in the line of fire.
This vinyl only release has two ‘A‘ Sides, the second being ‘Steve’, an urgent yelp of desperation over forbidding descending chords, biting guitar and a neat turn around that will have you playing both sides until the grooves grow old.
An absolutely perfect storm.