Author – Paul Hallam Part 2

01. Tell us about Sleeping Dogs Books an offshoot of Old Dog Books?
Old Dog is focussed on Pulp Fiction. I don’t want it to deviate from that and become just another book imprint. But Garry Bushell had this great idea of putting out 2 books with me. So I thought let’s do something as a sideline and call it Sleeping Dogs (that name was actually invented by Danny Decourtelle).
02. What about Streetsounds, whats the set up and who is involved?
About four years ago The Bushell said the music press needs a new title. Something that is about what we did then but also about what is going on right now. A voice for the bands who can’t get in NME or Mojo. And that’s how it started. I went along with him thinking this will last 2 issues at best. 4 Years on and we are the biggest selling music magazine in the UK. We got some great writers who do it all for love not money.
03. What type of stuff do you cover within Streetsounds?
It’s mainly all the old stuff that Mojo may not want to talk about – so lots of Oi!, Punk, Mod bands etc, but also we are also covering current stuff. Plus all the specialist festivals – Punk Rock Bowling, Skamouth etc, that are getting thousands of people though the doors so to speak, but will never make the pages of the mags on the shelves of WH Smiths.
04. Tell us about you latest offering for Sleeping Dog Books?
20 Shades is a compilation of short stories written by regular Street Sounds Contributors. We have Left-Wing poet Tim Wells, Football Factory author John King, the legend that is Mr Bushell himself, Old Dogs author Craig Brackenridge and Joe Pasquale amongst others. A real mix as they say!
05. What is peoples re-action to the Streetsounds growth and spread?
It still amazes me. Street Sounds is a chaotic affair – down to me, not GB. And if we are a few weeks late with the quarterly issue people get on the case wanting to know where it is. It is a real labour of love and we need help from our readers. We need people to be helping us getting it into independent shops around the country. We have a piece on this next issue.
06. How can folks get a copy of Streetsounds? and also in good record shops up and down the country. You can even find us on Social Media too!
07. Do you have more follow ups planned for the ‘20 Shades of Psycho’ format?
Not yet. We really want to do a book based on Garrys’ heavy metal articles from Sounds this year. Like the 2-tone one and the Mod Revival one. That will go on Sleeping Dogs.
08. How about your own Book that you recently released, how is that doing?
It’s basically a book of my old mod photographs. It’s quite insane really. I was 16-20 years old and took my old Olympus Trip to mod clubs. 30 plus years on I’m being told this is History. You can buy it HERE! Later this month I’m doing a thing at the Photographers Gallery in Soho. People like David Bailey do that – not me…
09. How will England do in Euro 2016 in France?
Quarter Finals. I’m a North Korea fan and as they aren’t allowed to enter the Euros I’m not too excited.
10. Where can folks grab a copy of the ‘2O Shades of Psycho’ Anthology?
From the excellent Old Dog Books Website and The Pip! Pip! Amazon page.