DozenQ – Ravens In Paris

Ravens In Paris are a three-piece Combo making dark waves as we speak! We managed to catch them for a short but sweet feeding session!
01 How did the band get together?
We used to be in a band backing a singer song writer, but following his diva-like activities of not turning up to practice we started working on stuff without him and realised we are actually a million times better as a three-piece (and Beaz voice was a million times better). So we sacked him off and started Ravens In Paris.
02 Where did your name come from?
The name wasn’t something that just came to us. James and Beaz were listening to lots of French pop and getting really into Paris and the catacombs underground. The idea of underground clubs and secret societies really captured our imagination and we wanted to reflect this in the name.
03 Who were your major influences and inspirations and who do you despise?
For us, most themes and ideas come from whatever we are into at the time. It could be a film or a book, or an old album or poem; anything really. We just all throw in our influences and ideas and this sound comes out that we really love. We don’t really like over-analysing it, it’s just how we sound, and luckily we love it!
04 What drove you to make music together?
As we mentioned, we were backing a singer songwriter and we formed the band from that. We just click really well musically and work really well together.
05 What can someone who has never seen you live before expect from your live shows then & possibly even now?
I guess you have to just come along and check it out. We have a lot of energy and are pretty loud. Everything we have written so far has the live show in mind – so it’s what we do best – a full-on blast to get you moving. No ballads, no banter just the tunes played loud and hard.
06 Who writes your songs? What types of themes and subjects do you deal with?
We all write the songs together. When we ditched the previous singer, he was the songwriter, so we just learnt the ropes together and worked out how to write songs. The songs tend to change a lot as we write them – so it’s a long process – but we each have our own strengths and the songs are better for it. Hopefully, everyone else will love it as much as we do. Subjects vary, although women do tend to crop up quite often – although the lyrics are dark, rather than romantic!
07 How did your music evolved since you first began playing together?
It evolved loads and is still evolving; when we first started writing together we didn’t have much song writing experience, but now we have developed a sound which really defines us, dark, dirty and a bit cheeky.
08 What has been your biggest challenge as a band? Were you been able to overcome this? If so, how?
We haven’t really had any major challenges as such, we love playing together and writing music together. We are now about to look for a label to finance our album, which I’m sure will be a challenge and a half!
09 Do you play covers? If you could pick any song, which would you like to cover most and why?
We have never done a cover. We have been toying with a couple of songs recently but not really got that far on them. We did work out ‘Toxic’ by Britney, which sounded pretty ace, but apart from that it’s just our own stuff.
10 Where did you envisage the band being in five years time?
Touring the world, making records and filling some big venues.
11 Who would you most like to record with?
We recorded our single with Gavin Monaghan and, to be honest, the combination of us and him and his team was amazing, so I would say more of the same! And maybe a one off single with Dr Dre if he happens to be passing through North London and is at a loose end.
12 What should we be expecting from the band in the near future?
We are just releasing our second single on our label ‘Madame Claude Records’ and we will be doing an accompanying tour. We are in talks to book in a tour in California in the summer and sorting out a few festivals. We are recording our debut album and hope to release that later this year. Good times!