George Frakes
George Frakes has the best hair of anyone in the folk world! But don’t let his dandified, foppish ways fool you into thinking that he is all style and no substance. For, under his beautifully coiffured head there lies the brain of a rather fine songwriter who can sing and play the guitar with such style and emotion that even the most drunken punter in any folk club will stop what they are doing and watch him. He truly is a one off. His music drifts around you like a Dickensian smog, mysterious and, at times, very dark indeed.
George’s EP, Ghost of the Girl, is out now on iTunes and it finds him at a great point in his musical development. He will be playing live on my show on 2 August.
The Cedars
I have been watching The Cedars for a few years now and they just get better and better. Their down-home bluegrass music is as true as anything you would have heard coming from the porch of mountain dwelling during the 1930s. They also possess an absolute gem in front woman Chattel Hill, whose Scottish brogue suits the music down to a tee – and the rest of the band are pretty hot too. They are one hell of a hard working band that plays all over the country, wooing audiences as they go, and now have a very large following. Their album, Little Copper Still, is due for release this year, I have had promo copy for some time and I don’t remember ever seeing or hearing another bluegrass country band in the UK that can come close to matching them. Buy their album when it comes out, but most of all go and see them live – you will not be disappointed.
Their debut single ‘The Colour’ is out now and you can download it from iTunes.
Bob’s Folk Show, Tuesdays 9pm www.radiowey.co.uk
Photos by: www.annabelverephotography.com